All of the proceeds we get from fundraising events and donations go towards the Ridgefield Park Public Schools Special Needs programs and projects contributing to the classrooms of our special needs students. The success of each of these projects is thanks to the generosity of friends, family, sponsors, and neighbors.

Making a Difference
It's natural. Students want to learn in the classroom the same way they interact outside of it. SMART's technology makes exploring lessons and collaborating on solutions a simple, easy experience that students immediately recognize and adopt.
In 2014 the ASSN donated the first of
12 SMART boards and software to several of the class rooms in the Ridgefield Park School system in 2014 and what a difference it has made!
Bringing Technology to the kids!
iOS is the world’s most advanced — and most accessible — mobile operating system. Innovative features like VoiceOver, AssistiveTouch, and Guided Access help students with special needs enjoy more of what an iPad has to offer.
The ASSN bought 50+ IPads with apps for students. These devices are fun and powerful learning tools for students with attention deficits or other cognitive and learning disabilities. Teachers can minimize visual stimulation by limiting access to a single app, and students can use FaceTime and Camera to communicate with more than just words.

Our Kids Love to Play!
We used money raised from our Casino night and Golf outing to help build a sensory playground for the children with special needs.

Making a Difference
We fund several class trips a year to pumpkin picking events, shows, and other events!